My 2019 Goals


I know we are a few weeks into the New Year, but I figured it was still okay to share my goals for 2019 here. I want this space to be a place where people draw inspiration from but also feel encouraged in whatever season they may be walking through. I share a lot about weddings, because I’m a wedding photographer ;) however, don’t feel like you have to be engaged or married to enjoy this space, there is something here for you as well!

At the end of each year and the beginning of the new one, I begin to pray and think over a word for the year. I had a few that I felt the Lord call me to, but it wasn’t until I was chatting with a friend over cheesecake and coffee at The Cheesecake Factory that I knew what my word for 2019 had to be:


I want to spend 2019 fully awake. I don’t want life to just pass me by or to sleepwalk my way through. I want to be fully present and engaged. I have noticed that when things get crazy or busy or difficult, I tend to fall asleep to myself, my needs and wants.

That being said, I wanted to jump into the 5 goals I have for 2019.

Read the Bible in a year

  1. Pray over and search for a reading plan.

  2. Set a specific time each morning/day to read.

  3. Journal about what each passage is teaching me.

Be a better friend

  1. Invite friends over to my apartment at least once a month.

  2. Plan a girls trip/adventure.

  3. Be prayerful over my current friendships and pray over new ones as well

Take care of myself

  1. Train and run a half marathon

  2. Workout 3x a week

  3. Meal plan and prep

  4. Set screen time hours

Have the most purposeful year yet for LBP

  1. Pray over the vision the Lord has for this business in 2019

  2. Give away more

  3. More business books

  4. Plan for a rebrand

Streamline and Simplify my life

  1. Create morning and evening routines

  2. Clicklist/Grocery delivery

  3. Weekly routines

  4. Get rid of stuff!

I have some big goals I’d like to see happen for 2019, but I’m excited about the smaller ones too! If you are someone who sets goals or intentions for the year, I’d love for you to share them with me! I am cheering you on :)